Acupuncture During Pregnancy in Melbourne & Northern Suburbs

Pregnancy Acupuncture in Melbourne

Pregnancy is a normal and natural part of life for most women,  and for many, the process from conception, pregnancy and onset of labour and delivery goes well with very few complications. In some cases expectant mothers may wish to look at some natural options to include as part of their pregnancy and birth plan. 

 Morning Sickness

Upwards of 2/3rds of pregnant women will experience nausea and vomiting at the beginning. Generally morning sickness is self limiting and usually occurs between the 4th -14th weeks. 20% of women may have these symptoms into their 2nd trimester. In a small amount of cases a more serious form may develop called gravidarum emesis. Generally the symptoms of gravidarum emesis are mild, and can be managed without medication or further intervention. Small snacks, Vitamin B6 supplementation, avoiding triggering smells, food and environments. In some instances a treating medical doctor may prescribe some baby safe anti-emetics. Whenever there is vomiting, it is important to monitor hydration levels (1).

Acupuncture for Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting - Acupuncture has been found to be a useful adjunct in the treatment of nausea and vomiting - especially in post chemo and post operative circumstances . This is a promising effect of acupuncture for nausea and vomiting.  Acupuncture for morning sickness may not yet be considered  for sole treatment but can  be considered an additional treatment option alongside conventional treatment.

Pregnancy and onset of labour: Medical Inductions

Only 5% of babies are born on their due date, with the majority falling between 37-41 weeks. Your treating physicians may start discussion medical induction, because as the pregnancy continues beyond 41 weeks, the medical necessity of medical induction or other interventions will increase. Often this will begin with a stretch and sweep to see if labour can be started. Some hospital have policies of allowing only 10 days after the due date, others may be up to 14 days . In other cases with higher risk pregnancies such as twins induction may discussed earlier. Other forms of medical induction include prostaglandin gels, oxytocin drips and the cervical balloon. 

Our Melbourne Acupuncture Clinic

Our clinic is experienced in working with women in all stages of pregnancy. We can find a comfortable position for you regardless of how heavily pregnant you are. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine look at the mind and body as a whole. We will talk to you about your pregnancy and why you have come in and what we can do to help. We will then review other aspects of your health like your  activities, sleep quality, aches and pains,  and energy levels. After palpating your pulse   we then decide upon a course of treatment that we will discuss with you. At Coburg Chinese medicine we support an integrative and inclusive approach to treatment.

Based in Melbourne, the  Coburg Clinic services people from Coburg and surrounding Northern suburbs such as Brunswick, Pascoe Vale, Preston, Fawkner, Thornbury, Northcote.  If you wish to discuss how acupuncture can assist you call us on 03 9041 656

Call us on ☎ (03) 9041 6569 to arrange an appointment or book online below


1. (2013). Pregnancy - morning sickness. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Feb. 2018].

2. (2018). Overdue babies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Feb. 2018].